b'ULTIMATE 2FIRE CURTAINTHE ULTIMATE LIFE SAFETY PRODUCT PROTECTS FROM FIRE, SMOKE AND HEATThe Ultimate 2 Fire Curtain260 MINUTES FIRE INTEGRITY (PASSED)is the only Fire Curtain inSMOKE TESTED TO THE BS EN 1634-3:2004 the world that can offerSTANDARD (PASSED) the following as standard: 77 MINUTE RADIATION (PASSED)THIS PATENTED DESIGN MAKES THE ULTIMATE FIRE CURTAIN UNIQUE IN DESIGN THAT CAN NOT BE BEATENDid you know that the biggest health risk of a re is actually smoke inhalation? Thats why its important to consider both smoke and heat protection when choosing a re curtain for your property.Ultimate 2 gives you extra protection from smoke Used in domestic and types of commercialproperties, very popular in the installation onlifts, windows and doors.'